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The File Share Library

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Download the necessary class materials to complete your assignments. When your assignment or project is due, upload them to the file share library below.
Upload Your Assignments, Projects, Photos, & Files,

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- Upload & Download Assignments
- Upload & Download Class Projects
- Upload & Download Photos of your artwork
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Welcome to File Share: Upload & download assignments and art tutoring materials.
File Share
File Share Library
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Important file share information
Who is the website administrator?Hi, my name is Dennis Lee Brown. I am the website’s owner, administrator, the website’s architect, web developer, site author, designer, illustrator, and the website’s publisher. I am the person responsible for maintaining the website and its’ content whereas, I am the main art instructor/tutor.
What Is the Responsibility of the Website Administrator?The website administrator can approve or disapprove, (“Block” or “Remove”) any uploaded filed that does not meet or is in breach of the website’s Upload Policy. The website administrator may delete any files or folders containing inappropriate content.
Who May Upload Files to This Website?ALL MEMBERS may upload files: One must become a member of the Vivid & Diversified Art Tutoring website. Once you have established membership, then you may upload files: (Documents, Images, Vector, Fonts, Music Mini-players, Music, and Video) from your computer or mobile phone. Note: You cannot upload password-protected files may not upload properly.
Which types of file formats may I upload?Documents: .doc, .docx, .zis, .xizx, .ppt, pptx, .odt, odp, .pdf mages: .jpg, .png, .gif Vector Art: art: .svg Fonts: .ttf, .off, .woff2, .woff Mini players – Music: MP3 Music: WAV, FLAC, M4A, MP3 Video: (QuickTime) : AVI, MP4, etc.,) avi, .mpeg, .mpg, mp4, .mkv, .webm, .mov, .ogv, .vob, .m4v, 3gp, .dix, .xvid,
What Are the File Size Limit?Below is the maximum limit for each file type Documents: 35MB Images: 25MB Victor Art 250KB Music Mini Players: 50MB – MP3 Video: 15GB, per video file upload or 10-minute length Maximum
Who Will See My Uploads?Every member of the website can see and comment on any post or shared file. The website owner views all upload files first to screen out content that does fit the goal of the website. When approved, uploads are posted in the appropriate space on the website. All uploads, subject to approval or rejection by the Administer. Every member may access the file-sharing library and view its’ content. At the discretion of the Administer, if a member posts unsuitable content, the content may be blocked from the website. All shared files can be view by other members of the website.
Who Can Delete Files & Folders?Members can delete unwanted files they upload, and delete empty folders they create. Members cannot delete other member's files and/or folders. The website administrator may delete any files or folders containing unsuitable material that does not meet the standards of the File Share Library.
What Happens to A Deleted File?Deleted files mean permanently removed from the website. The deleted file(s) cannot be retrieved nor reposted again. They are not stored anywhere on the website. If a member accidentally deletes his/her uploaded file, the file must be reuploaded. These files may not be reposted to the website, only an updated, re-edited, or different version of the deleted file may be reloaded.
Can I Invite People to View and Review My Files & Post?Yes, you are encouraged to invite family, friends, co-workers, and anyone that they may see your post and you can easily share a link to the library or social media, and email, depending on the current settings. Visitors must become website members before they can post, share files, and view other members' files & posts.
Not finding what you are look for, and you till need anwsers?"To get the answers you need, email me (Ask Subject Info), email me your question(s). I will reply ASAP!
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